south west parents

picture of a happy family

Research Reveals Modern Parents in the South West Are the Most Lenient in History

  • Over half of modern parents in the South West set few or inconsistent rules for their children
  • 64 percent of older generations adopted a clear, strict style of parenting
  • Over two thirds of parents in the region claim they spend more quality time with their children than their parents did with them
  • 58 percent feel they show more love and affection than
  • ...
picture of children learning to cycle with bikeabilty

The South West receives more than £2.2 million investment from Bikeability Trust improve access to cycle training

The South West will receive £2,236,741 to help more children learn to cycle with Bikeability

The funding is part of a record £20 million investment for the Bikeability Trust from the Department of Transport. It will be used to deliver cycle training for children and families.

Bikeability has trained more than 3.6 million children since 2007. This funding has the potential to deliver...

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