
picture of pregnant woman looking in her wardrobe

Why You Don’t Need a Maternity Wardrobe – Repurpose Your Current One

As the little human being in your belly grows, so does your bump. Naturally, the extra pounds you gain are essential during pregnancy, and they are only adding more beauty to your mum-to-be glow.

At this point, many mums start wondering if they should buy new maternity clothes, as some of their current items don’t fit them anymore. This can lead to concerns over budget and the impact...

picture of schoolchildren in a classroom

Virgin Money relaunches innovative finance programme for school kids

Virgin Money has relaunched its innovative financial education programme, Make £5 Grow, with additional tools and resources designed to prepare schoolchildren and provide the skills they need to better manage their finances in the future.

Delivered in schools, Make £5 Grow is a free scheme which works with and encourages both younger and older children, to develop innovative business...

picture of kids at Halloween

Make Halloween less scary with these five safety tips

The scariest day of the year can become all the more menacing if injuries and allergic reactions strike. With this in mind, education experts at have outlined preventative measures and solutions to five potential Halloween dangers.
  1. Carve your pumpkin carefully

Carving pumpkins that you may have picked yourself from a pumpkin patch can be a fun activity if...

picture of hungry couple with empty fridge

1 in 7 skipping meals and going without food – TUC mega poll reveals

  • New MRP poll reveals that in some parts of the UK nearly 1 in 4 people are going hungry
  • More than half of Britons cutting back on heating, hot water and electricity
  • Stark findings published as government scales back energy support and decides on whether to uprate benefits in line with inflation
  • Government must focus on getting pay rising, says TUC
  • ...
picture of a child on a laptop

5 top tips to keep your children safe online

Based on the most popular online content worldwide for children, 43.6% of parental control notifications in the first half of 2022 were as a result of children accessing software, audio, or video .

With it being such a fine balance between keeping your kids entertained yet safe in the modern age, experts at Proxyrack have shared 5 top tips to help keep your kids safe online .

picture of child on a device at bedtime

4 parenting tactics to avoid at bedtime

4 parenting tactics commonly used across the UK that could be detrimental to your child's sleep Parents in the East of England are the most likely to let their children scroll through a smartphone before bed compared to all other UK regions. On the other hand, parents in Wales are least likely to allow their children to use a phone at bedtime.

Sleep experts at Bed Kingdom surveyed a...

Every New Parent’s Biggest Fear – Asking for Help

The moment you’ve been waiting for nine months has finally come. Your baby has arrived, and you’re ready to start your life as a family.

While this is all exciting news, the stress of taking care of your newborn can really take a toll on your physical and mental health. Amidst changing diapers, breastfeeding, and soothing your baby, your personal needs and the outside world often...

picture of Mum and baby in the snow

5 winter safety hazards for parents to watch out for

Winter is a great season for family time, from having fun in the snow to enjoying cosy nights in playing games and watching films. But just like in the summer months, there are also a number of hazards for parents to watch out for at this time of year. These hazards can occur both outside the home in the chilly weather, as well as inside from heat sources.

Fortunately with some...

picture of disabled child and his carer

Charity report reveals families raising disabled children are struggling to survive

Stark research findings , released today by national charity Family Fund, show that families raising disabled, or seriously ill, children and young people across the UK now face serious financial jeopardy and are struggling to survive, due to the scale of the cost-of-living crisis.

“The Cost of Caring” covers research with 4,264 families across the UK, with a disabled child, showing that nine...

picture of a family on a computer

How keeping all devices in one room can protect your child online

Internet expert reveals how keeping all devices in one room can protect your child online

Children have more access to screen time than ever before, in particular, access to the internet. Internet safety has become an increasingly worrying problem amongst parents, however internet expert Allison Troutner from has listed the best ways to keep your child safe online.



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