activity for kids

picture of a Halloween drawing activity printable activity for kids

Halloween activity printable sheets for children

With Halloween decorations slowly filling up the shop many parents and educators are trying to find some fun Halloween-themed activities to do with their children.

With my background as a Nursery Nurse I have always really enjoyed creating my own activities to do with my children, this has often involved hours of coming up with activity sheets and drawing everything out. This year I...

picture of mum and daughter painting easter eggs

Enjoy A Restriction Free Easter With These Fun Activities

Easter egg hunt

A classic easter egg hunt is a great way to get all the family involved, even the grown ups, because who doesn't love finding chocolate treats? Buy some individually wrapped chocolate eggs which can be found in supermarkets at reasonable prices, hiding them around the house, garden or local park before letting your family run wild to try and grab them. If you want to take it...

picture of space explorer placemat to go

The best creative and educational gift for astronomy buffs!

Introducing our BRAND NEW space explorer placemat to go!

Kids can colour-in and discover the solar system with this fun and educational placemat to go, complete with a set of 10 wash-out fabric pens. Featuring spacecraft, planets and stars on one side and the historic moon landing scene on the other, it’s perfect for out-of-this-world discoveries – there’s even a fun trick for remembering the...

picture of dinosaur dig tuff tray activity for kids

Dinosaur dig tuff tray

I love coming up with new activity ideas using dinosaurs, which are my son's favourite toys. The latest tuff tray I tried was a dinosaur dig tray.

What you need to make your Tuff Tray
  • Tuff tray
  • Toy Dinosaurs – smaller ones are better here.
  • Something to cover the dinosaurs with. I personally used old cereal, which I had blended down together after using it
  • ...
Picture of a make your own Olaf activity for kids

Make your own Olaf party game

Disney Frozen themed party game for children

My daughter in frozen mad, so with her birthday coming up I wanted to think of some fun party games we could do based on the theme. One thing I came across was a ‘make your own Olaf’ idea, which we tried this weekend, and it was a huge hit!

We played this game as a family, with grown-ups and children, so we turned it into a bit of a...

Picture of barbie bath activity

Barbie bath activity

Activity idea for Barbies

My daughter really loves her barbie dolls, so I have been trying to find some activities that we can do with them.

After a few goes in the sand tray, our barbies were obviously pretty dirty so we decided to set up a barbie bath station outside, so my children could give them a good wash.

What do you need for this activity?
  • Barbie dolls
  • ...
picture of monster truck racing sand tray activity

Monster truck racing sand tray activity

My son is totally monster truck mad at the moment! There is always some kind of race set up going on in our house, so I thought I would try and spice things up a bit by creating a race track for his monster trucks in our sand tray!

All you really need for this activity is a sand tray and some monster trucks. I added in some extra cones and ramps we had to help mark out a few...

Picture of ice cream tuff tray activity

Ice cream shop tuff tray activity

On sunny days my children love pretending to set up their own play shop, and ice creams are normally the first thing they think of to sell! So, this week we decided to set up our own ice cream shop in the tuff tray, where they could make their own ice creams, which they actually got to eat too!

Now using proper ice cream would have been the obvious thing to use here, but I wanted a...

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